The little boy asked his mom,
"Why are you crying?"
"Because I'm a mother,"she said.
"I don't understand,"he replied.
His mom just hugged him and said
"You never will!"Later the little boy asked his father
why Mother seemed to cry for no reason.
"All mothers cry for no reason,"
was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man,
still wondering why mothers cry.
So finally he put in a call to GOD
and when God got on the phone the man said,"God,why do mothers cry so easily?"
God said,"You see son,
when I made mothers they had to be special.
I made their shoulders strong enough
to carry the weight of the world,
yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave them an inner strength
to endure childbirth and the rejection
that many times come from their children.
"I gave them a hardiness
that allows them to keep going
when everyone else gives up,
and to take care of their famiies
through sickness and fatique
without complaining."
"I gave them the sensitivity to love their children
under all circumstances,
even when their child has hurt them very badly.
This same sensitivity helps them
to make a child's boo-boo feel better
and helps them share
a teenager's anxieties and fears."
"I gave them a tear to shed.
It's theirs exclusively
~to use whenever it's needed.
It's their only weekness.
It's a tear for mankind."
If someone should hurt you,
and say a thing unkind.Remember that I write you,
and keep these thoughts in mind.
For everyone that makes you cry,
there are 3 who make you smile.
And a smile will last a long long time,
but a tear,just a little while>
Don't let someone who hates the world,
cause you to hate it too.
Behind the clouds is a golden sun,
and a sky thats full of blue.
If someone said a thing thats cruel,
don't let it get to you.
Your achievements are greatly numbered,
and your faults are very few.
So if a certain person should act a certain way,
think of those who love you,and don't let it spoil your day.