~An Unforgettable Woman~

What makes a woman unforgettable?
Is she caring, loving, aware and responsive to the needs of others?

Does she share her feelings with her chosen partner or friends and is not self-centered?
Is what she is looking for in a man is his financial status, popularity, physical attributes, or perceived intellect?
Or does she accept a man for what he is, as he is, and not want to change his morals, values or his ways as long as they are reasonable?
Is she willing to give of herself as easily as she receives from others?

What makes a woman unforgettable? A smile or laugh for no particular reason?
An "I love you" out of the blue?
A walk on a beach with the moon glittering off her hair and sparkling in her eyes and no words having to be exchanged to reinforce the feelings being shared? Understanding your feelings, needs, problems and cares without explanation?
A kiss on the cheek without provocation?
An "I'm sorry" from the heart?

An electric feeling from a kiss? Holding hands, putting her head on your shoulder, or giving you a peck on the cheek in public without being embarrassed?

To be able to cry when she is sad, hurt, lonely or depressed and not being embarrassed to do so?

What makes a woman unforgettable? Is she secure with herself in her emotions, feelings and self-esteem?
Does she take care of herself both physically and her outward appearance to the best of her ability?
Can she share her feelings and desires with others without worrying about "what will other people think"?

What makes a woman unforgettable?
This is really not a fair question. There are a million different things under a million different circumstances that come into play.
There is no one single answer or a "set combination" of answers to this question. So much depends on the individual, what the circumstances are, what the atmosphere is, what you are looking for -- a simple conversation, a friendship, a relationship?

A woman may be unforgettable upon first sight or the first meeting of her. Or, she may become unforgettable after several or many occasions after the true individual is known.

What makes a woman unforgettable? Just being a woman and herself.
All women are "unforgettable" in their own special way.
Don't attempt to put specifications on an "unforgettable woman" as if she is a piece of merchandise.
She is human and has feelings, wants, desires and needs just as does man.

She is a lady -- she is a woman. ~Author Unknown~