I invite you to visit all my pages and hope that you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed my search for them. Each one has touched my heart and I would love to share them with you.


Home ~You Don't Love Me!~ ~Why Mothers Cry~~Those Who Love You Little Dash~
~coming soon~ ~The Most Beautiful Flower~
~My Child~ ~An Unforgettable Woman~
~"Ugly"~ (*Kleenex Required) ~Did God Make You?~ & ~Frail Angel's Cry~
~I Think I Can!~ ~Letter From Camp~ Email ~Women~
~I Believe in Angels~ ~People Observations~ ~My Dad!~Father's Day 2000 ~The Softer Sex?Think Again!~
~Reasons~08/06/00 ~A Mother's Silent Tear~08/20/00 ~Country Webrings~
~Sisters~10/28/00 ~Happy Thanksgiving~ ~coming soon~ ~coming soon

Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed yourself. Please come back anytime.

I will be adding them as I find them.If they touch my heart,spark a giggle or bring a tear,I will place them here in hopes that you will enjoy them.

This thing they call the "WEB" has become a wonderful eyeopener for me. Sooooooo many wonderful sites;and behind them all,wonderful people! It just "does a body good"!God Bless!


Come visit my other pages.